Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Why Write?

And as a second post, please enjoy the rants of someone who loves to write, whether it be good or bad.

Do you know why people write? It’s because they are so full of emotion that they can’t contain it and if they don’t let it out in a productive way then it will explode right out of their heads. With all those emotions just floating around in the atmosphere, any ol’ person could get ahold of them and it would cause absolute chaos.

Why do you think we live in such a crazy chaotic world? It’s not because of the government or the economy or bad schools or violent video games. It’s because people didn’t take the initiative to release their emotions in a productive manner and they exploded into the air where those who can’t really handle the emotions got free reign of an all-you-can-absorb buffet.

SO instead, people pick up a pen (or in some cases a pencil, paintbrush, or trombone) and they just let their emotions seep out: from their ears, down their arm and right out their fingers through the pen and spill out all over the page (or canvas, or...trombone). And once that page is soaked with these feelings, these overwhelming thoughts and experiences, it can be appreciated and analyzed by the author who can then accept and comprehend their thoughts and feelings.

By simply picking up a pen and letting emotions take their natural course, a work of literature can be created, a piece of art can be born, a delightful low brass tune can be conceived. But most importantly, the emotions are where they should be and not floating aimlessly into the hands (or head) of a deranged serial killer.


  1. This is so true. Ernest Hemingway said "There is nothing to writing. All you do is sit down at a typewriter and bleed." Writing is one of my favorite things to do and it's sometimes the best way to realize what you truly think about something or someone.

  2. Yeah I feel that writing is a form of therapy that hasn't been utilized as much as it should be in our society. A lot of things could be solved by venting productively.

  3. When I was in second grade I walked up to my mom and said "Mom, I'm going to be an author." Writing is probably the one thing in my life that is a constant when nothing else is.

  4. "If I feel physically as if the top of my head were taken off, I know that is poetry." Emily Dickinson
