Monday, May 6, 2013

Greasy Lake

This is a great story of realizing that what you thought you wanted wasn't really what you wanted at all. By the end, the narrator says that he "wanted to go home to [his] parents' house and crawl into bed,"much unlike the "We were nineteen. We were bad." attitude at the beginning. The author uses great diction, desribing the road as "gutted" and "rutted," and interesting metaphors, such as a car headlight "winking" at them.

What was your favorite part of this story?


  1. The word choice is humorous when the narrator reveals Digby allowed his father to pay his tuition at Cornell.

  2. Similar to when the narrator describes wanting to crawl into his bed at his parents' house, I appreciated "I was nineteen, a mere child, an infant". They definitely both convey that he's not the adult he thought he wanted to be!

  3. I just related so well to this story. With graduation so close and no solid plans yet and a dreadful fear of change, I'm realizing i'm not as grown up as I thought I was!
