Thursday, May 16, 2013

Prezi is Awesome

As I was looking at ways in which poetry is presented differently now that we have all of these technological tools with which to experiment with, I found a poem that was presented as a Prezi (like Dr. Burton's poem):

Click to go to the Prezi!

"Stop Drilling" by Natasa Bosic Grojic, a blogger who was experimenting with Prezi, showed me a new way in which to convey poetry that I had never known about before! I think that the visual way in which poetry can be presented through this medium is exciting because it really opens a new creative window into poetry. As you can see from the Prezi, the zooming in and out allows focus on a specific line of a poem. This is nice because it really helps the reader to isolate that line and perhaps ponder it with greater significance in their minds. There is then, of course, the positioning of the lines, which in of itself offers further meaning along with aesthetic quality. For instance, in "Stop Drilling," the path of the text follows a pattern around the blown up title as it moves from the left to the right, instead of a random order. This aids the reader into following the poem's story visually. One can also comment upon the design used. This specific author used a very simple template. I thought that this was effective for their poem because the words themselves, aided by the effects of the zooming, are the forced as the focus, and they begin to weigh upon the reader as they go through the poem.

I enjoyed this Prezi Poem so much that I am thinking of making one myself! 


  1. That's way cool! I need to figure out how to work Prezi

  2. Cool. It's a good alternative to reading the poem out loud. The writer could still direct the pauses, but she didn't have to draw a lot of attention to herself.

  3. One problem I had with Prezi is that it prompted me to sign in with my Facebook account, but when I logged in again to retrieve my presentation, nothing had saved! Fortunately, I had saved a backup PDF, but it obviously lacked the cool effects.

    Has anyone else had similar problems, or suggested fixes?
