Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Bond...James Bond

So I was always one those kids at school who sucked at math, but read very well for his age. As a result I enjoyed reading far more than anything else in school and I never really worried about my English or History grades. But it wasn't until high school that I started reading more for enjoyment than just for some school assignment. My freshman English teacher allowed us to pick any book we wanted to read for our book project and after days of procrastination my efforts at picking a book were futile. But while I was in this state of procrastination and indecisiveness I was watching one of my favorite movie series of all time:

James Bond

Try and find someone more classy and cool than James Bond

I decided then to read James Bond. A whole new world opened up for me.  Now I could see how "the epitome of cool" thought and worked. Also, I knew what the original intent of the author was for his character. This made both watching the films and reading the books much more enjoyable for me and it is a practice that I continued with other films and the books that preceded them.


  1. I love James Bond. His character in the books is very different from his film persona(even the film personas are different), but they compliment each other.

    1. Yeah thats very true the films diverged quite a bit from the books, but I love both.

  2. I have never read the James Bond books, but your post intrigues me. Do you have any recommendations?

    1. Yeah you should start with the first one which is Casino Royale. The film basically follows the plot-line of the book, but obviously the film in set in a modern context and the book is set during the cold war when it was written.
