Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Learning Outcomes Revisted

I've tried to dictate the content of my posts this term around our class learning objectives. The new stuff is highlighted in blue. How'd I do?

  1. Know basic literary terms and methods

    Posted about tone and diction in an excerpt by Neil Gaiman
    Posted a basic plot structure and analyzed it in relation to The Hunger Games
    Discussed the themes of Greasy Lake
    Discussed the themes and plot of The Picture of Dorian Gray
    Wrote about use of metaphor in House on Mango Street excerpt
    Discussed voice in "Secret Life of Bees"
    Wrote a haiku with its 5-7-5 form in relation to sidewalk art
    Discussed the types of stage and parody in "A Very Potter Musical"
    Wrote about themes in dystopian literature
    Wrote about common plot elements in dystopian literature
    Discussed imagery in "from Heaven and earth in jest"
    Discussed irony in "Saving Punjab"
    Analyzed the use of metaphor in "Ode to my socks"
    Analyzed the use of first-person narration in The Secret Life of Bees
    Discussed the use of signette in House on Mango Street

  2. Know basic literary genres and representative texts
    Created a reading list including historical fiction, a memoir, and cultural fiction books.
    Posted about horror books (fiction sub-genre) (The Graveyard Book)
    Posted about historical horror books (fiction sub-genre) (The Picture of Dorian Gray)
    Posted about lyrical poetry with "Wonderwall"
    Wrote about cultural fiction with "House on Mango Street"
    Discussed historical fiction in "Secret Life of Bees"
    Discussed the use of new media in contemporary poetry
    Wrote a haiku - form of poetry
    Wrote about performance literature in relation to Love's Labour's Lost
    Wrote about dystopian literature and societies (fiction sub-genre)
    Wrote about romance novels (fiction sub-genre)
    Wrote about the memoir (creative non-fiction)
    Reviewed a news story (creative non-fiction) with "Saving Punjab"
    Reviewed a cookbook blog/food blog (creative non-fiction)
    Analyzed an ode (poetry)

  3. Write literary arguments
    Analyzed the diction and tone in an excerpt from The Graveyard Book by Neil Gaiman.
    Analyzed the poetry and language of "Jabberwocky" by Lewis Carroll
    Discussed the importance of new media for visual learners in regards to poetry
    Discussed the importance of summarizing text for analyzing literature correctly
    Argued that the film/drama adaptation of A Walk to Remember was better than the book
    Argued about the use of social media as not being destructive
    Argued the book version of The Last Lecture was more authentic than the video
    Discussed the differences in Andersen's "Little Mermaid" for theme purposes

  4. Engage literature creatively and socially
    Created a reading list and posed questions to blog readers about the books.
    Asked readers for their opinions about Greasy Lake and personal experiences
    Used a YouTube rendition of "Jabberwocky" for visual effect
    Highlighted and used color for "Dear Room" to demonstrate the visual aspect of poetry
    Wrote about poetry forms in visual poetry with concrete poetry
    Argued the feelings literature should provoke
    Related dystopian literature to popular literature The Hunger Games
    Had a discussion with classmates on Blogger about the book version of A Walk to Remember compared to the film
    Used Blogger to post thesis ideas for paper
    Used Blogger to revise thesis and draft paper
    Posed question to classmates about the possibility of encyclopedias and dictionaries being considered literature
    Posted a draft of my paper to the blog via Google Doc
    Broke down an excerpt of "The Little Mermaid" into colors based on literary device

    5. Use emerging communication tools and pedagogical methods
I started blogging on our class blog at least five times per week.
I created a Goodreads account.
Connected to a song with similar themes to connect to the poetry of "Dear Room"
Analyzed and used photos of scene direction in Death of a Salesman
Wrote about accessibility of literary resources and religious works
Discussed the importance of summarizing, which can be easily done with online resources
Used Blogger to revise thesis
Discussed the use of online sources such as Wikipedia for quick information in writing
Discussed the use of Facebook in literature and creative connectivity
Posted a link to YouTube of the visual version of the memoir
Used an online newspaper to review an article
Created a Google Doc to get feedback on my essay
Inserted a definition from online Webster

Specific Feedback: 
1. After the midterm evaluation, I was told to work more on writing about subgenres, which I did
  • here with parody (drama)
  • here with dystopian literature (fiction)
  • here with themes in writing in regards to The Last Lecture/memoirs (creative non-fiction)
  • here with romance (fiction)
  • here about the short story (creative non-fiction)
  • here with an analysis of an ode by Pablo Neruda (poetry)
  • here with historical fiction
  • here with children's fiction
  • here with the signette (fiction)

2. I was also told to write for more formal audiences, which I did 
  • here about dystopian societies 
  • here about answering the "why" in academic writing
  • here about the importance of summarizing for correct analysis in academic writing
  • here in a political discourse
  • here about a news story "Saving Punjab"
  • here with an analysis of Pablo Neruda
  • here with a review of The Secret Life of Bees
  • here with the themes of children's fiction
  • here with the signette of House on Mango Street, and 
  • here with a review of the story of my paper.

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