Monday, June 10, 2013

The Rough Rough Draft

Hello everyone! So I've drafted part of my paper, and you can check it out here. It is a very rough draft as you will see, but I think that you might still get the sense of where I am planning to take my argument (I hope!) Needless to say that I will be very grateful if you could read through it and give me some feedback on what you think I can improve. To make this a little easier on you, here is a list of things that I am most concerned about:

  • Can you clearly identify my argument and what I plan to talk about?- Okay so I gave a bit of a long introduction to Romanticism because it ties to my thesis, but do you think it is too long? Do you think that works for the paper?

  • Are my paragraph to paragraph transitions clear? Does my paper flow so far?

  • Are my thoughts well put together and coherent?

  • Is my style fitting of an academic paper?
If you find anything that you think needs tweaking outside of this, though, please let me know!
Also I wanted to include an outline of my paper, just in case you wanted to see where I was going with it.

Thank you!


  1. Sined,

    I'm identifying your thesis as "for instance, when looking at romantic literature, it is important to consider the elements that may affect the effectiveness of the analytical tool." Is that correct?

    I think it would be beneficial to state your stance right there, such as "in romantic poetry, it is not appropriate to use in-depth analysis because the original meaning is lost. I will be demonstrating this in this paper by analyzing Wordsworth's..." Right now the thesis is stated in a vague way that makes it unclear exactly what you will be arguing and exactly what the "elements" are you're referring to.

    I also think it might be beneficial to the structure to move some of your history and definitions of the romantic period into the introductory paragraph.

    Other than that I think you have great transitions and I like the wording and arguments in paragraph 4.
